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Monthly Rates for Weekly Pool Services
Other Services
Repair Services
Troubleshoot pool problems and recommend the
needed repairs or replacement equipment
Work on all types of equipment motors, pumps, filt
$195 Full Service Weekly
Testing and balancing pool water
Chlorine, alkalinity and PH level testing
Inspect equipment
Chemicals included are Chlorine, and Muriatic Acid, Soda Ash, Cyanuric Acid
Empty skimmer and pump baskets
Empty pool sweep
Filters cleaned twice per year
Skim water service
Fill chlorinator chemicals and salt
Brush pool (steps, seats and pool walls)
Remove debris from bottom of pool and vacuum
$100 Chemical Plus Weekly Service
Testing and balancing pool water
Chlorine, alkalinity and PH level testing
Chemicals included are Chlorine, and Muriatic Acid, Soda Ash, Cyanuric Acid
Empty skimmer and pump baskets
$120 Chemical + and Filters Weekly Service
Testing and balancing pool water
Chlorine, alkalinity and PH level testing
Inspect equipment
Chemicals included are Chlorine, and Muriatic Acid, Soda Ash, Cyanuric Acid
Empty skimmer and pump baskets
Empty pool sweep
Filters cleaned twice per year
Pool Services
Green pool $500 to treat green pools and bring back sparkling clear water includes cleaning filters and all reuired chemicals (may take 2 or 3 visits)
Pool Stabilizer $40 is added to all client pools in March of each year to improve chlorine efficiency
$30 extra fee per month if your dogs regularly swim in your pool or play around the pool area.
All rate are based on Standard size pools with easy access to equipment
Filter Cleanings $125
Bi-Weekly winter rates $75 for chemical plus customers
Pool start up after resurfacing $500 including chemicals and filter cleanings
Minimum charge for repairs $50 - no minimums for current weekly service customer.
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